La 1ª Jornada sobre alternativas de valorización de arenas residuales de fundición organizada por el proyecto LIFE ECO-SANDFILL despierta gran interés en el sector.
Around 70 participants joined the Workshop on SFS valorisation options organised by LIFE ECO-SANDFILL Project to share outcomes of pilot experiences using SFS as secondary raw material in diverse sectors. Presentations are available for download.
1st Workshop on SFS valorisation options organised by LIFE ECO-SANDFILL project. Registration period open.
1ª Jornada sobre alternativas de valorización de arenas de fundición organizada por el proyecto LIFE ECO-SANDFILL. Abierto plazo de inscripción.
On 5th May the first findings of the project about measured quality of the reclaimed SFS obtained on ONDARLAN demo equipment were presented at the Workshop on SFS Recycling & Environment, held in the ORONA IDEA Campus of Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the fr...
Launching of LIFE ECO-SANDFILL project highlighted in July and September 2016 issues of FUNDI Press and Empresa XXI, respectively
The kick-off meeting of the project LIFE ECO-SANDFILL was held on 7 July on the premises of IK4-AZTERLAN. With a total budget amounting to 2,313,350€, it is co-financed by the European Programme LIFE 2015.
El pasado día 7 de julio se celebró en las instalaciones de IK4-AZTERLAN la reunión de puesta en marcha del proyecto LIFE ECO-SANDFILL, con un presupuesto total de 2.313.350€, cuenta con la co-financiación del Programa Europero LIFE 2015.