Language: ES
Organiser: LIFE ECO-SANDFILL project
Date: 9 November 2017. From 9:00h to 13:00h
Location: IK4-AZTERLAN – Aliendalde Auzunea, 6. 48200 – Durango (Spain)
Fee: No Fee / Pre-registration required
Waste management of surplus foundry sand is still a challenging issue for foundries, in need for sustainable valorisation alternatives. In the last years, several demonstration projects and initiatives have researched the feasibility of using SFS as secondary raw material in various applications of diverse sectors. The workshop “INICIATIVAS INNOVADORAS ORIENTADAS A IMPULSAR LA ECONOMÍA CIRCULAR DE LAS ARENAS DE FUNDICION” (Novel initiatives for stimulating circular economy of foundry sand), organised by the entities participating in LIFE ECO-SANDFILL project, aims to give the local foundry industry some insights into case studies underway and discuss their outcomes. The speakers will debate over the waste management problem posed currently by SFS, either locally or on a European scale, as well as over the barriers and drivers for implementing circular economy practices with foundry sand. During the workshop, la Sociedad Pública de Gestión Ambiental del Gobierno Vasco, Ihobe S.A., will present the new targets for foundry sand in the Waste Prevention Plan of the Basque Country.
By organising this event, LIFE ECO-SANDFILL project joins the celebration of LIFE Programme’s 25th anniversary (, providing a venue to showcase the expected impacts of both its own project and those anticipated by another LIFE funded project dealing with foundry sand valorisation (LIFE FOUNDRYTILE), which will take part in the workshop.
Click here to access the programme of the workshop
Workshop presentations are available for download below.
Please note that the presentations are copyright by the speakers and/or their organisations. Please respect this copyright and do not re-post elsewhere without permission from the author(s). Please credit the source when reproducing or copying the content of those archives.
1.- Nuevos Retos del Plan de prevención y gestión de la CAPV para las arenas de fundición. IHOBE
2.- Problemática actual de las arenas a nivel local y europeo. AFV
4.- Valorización de las arenas en el Sector Cerámico. Proyecto LIFE FOUNDRYTILE. AFV
6.- Valorización de las arenas en la fabricación de Productos Fertilizantes. BOLALEKU